You know what? I think I will.
Well, it's been about a year since I last posted, and a lot has happened in that time. I'm now in grade eleven, I now have a severe hate for physics, and I can now say I've been to a Caribbean country. Rather than wasting time with seemingly endless paragraphs, I'll just summarize the past year in point form (though there were only a few key events).
- I did end up winning NaNoWriMo 2012 with 53k. Still lacking motivation to edit that novel.
- My school put on a drama production of Korczak's Children, a play about the Holocaust, which earned us 7 Cappies nominations (think Oscars at a high school level).
- Went on a service trip with my school to Jamaica in January. We built a house for a family down there. I hated getting up at 5 am every morning, but it was an amazing experience.
- In May my school also put on a production of Bye Bye Birdie.
- Summer involved procrastination, books, and the Okanagan.
- Now my school is currently in the process of preparing for another drama production. This time, it's Alice in Wonderland.
- I will be returning to Jamaica in January.
- I will be participating in NaNo next month, and already have a set novel (which will be discussed further in another blog post).
So yeah. Looks like I'm back.
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